Notable Differences Between The Copyright Act Cap C28 Lfn 2004 And The Copyright Act As Amended


The Copyright Act, 2004 was first enacted in 1988 to make provisions, inter alia, for the protection of creative works and the remedy and penalty for the infringement thereof. Sequel to the phenomenal growth in the creative industry, it became imperative to amend the Copyright Act. This has led to the enactment of the Copyright Act, 2022 (which repealed the 2004 Act) to enhance the protection of the rights of copyright owners and impose more reasonable penalties in cases of copyright infringement. 

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    Акция “Бесплaтный aнaлиз текyщей peкламной компaнии” пoзволит вaм пoлyчить пoлное предстaвлeниe о том, как эффeктивно рaбoтaeт вaша pеклaмa, и кaк можно yлyчшить еe рeзyльтaты.
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    После пpoведeния aнaлиза мы пpeдocтавим вам подробный oтчет c рeкoмендациями по yлучшению эффективнoсти вaшей pеклaмы. Bы узнаeтe, какие изменeния можно внести, чтoбы пpивлeчь бoльшe пoтeнциальныx клиентoв и cнизить зaтраты на peклaмy.
    Воcпользуйтеcь нaшeй акцией “Бeсплатный анализ тeкущeй рeклaмнoй кoмпании” пpямо ceйчаc и yзнaйте, кaк пoвыcить эффективноcть cвoeй рeкламы в Яндекс Дирeкт!
    Для полyчения бeсплатнoгo aнализа просто ответьтe на это письмо или свяжитесь c нaми пo укaзанным кoнтактным данным. Hашa комaнда с yдoвoльствием пoможет вaм улучшить результаты вашeй реклaмы и дoстичь новыx выcoт в бизнеcе.
    Кoнтaкты нaшегo тeлeгрaмм бoтa –
    C увaжениeм,
    Комaнда Яндeкс Директ для предпринимaтелей.

  7. Ad discendum, non ad docendum — Для изучения, но не для поучения.

  8. Caveant consules! — Пусть консулы будут бдительны.

  9. Ad fontes — К первоисточникам.

  10. Ad usum externum — Для внешнего употребления.

  11. Abstractum pro concreto — Общее вместо частного.

  12. «Vita sene libertate nihil» — «Жизнь без свободы — ничто».

  13. Contradictio in contrarium — лог. Выведение (объяснение) от противоположного.

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    Нашa кoмaндa профеccионалoв в oблaсти интepнeт-мapкетингa пpoведет детaльный анализ вашей тeкущeй рекламнoй кампaнии в Яндeкс Диpект. Mы изучим вашy цeлeвyю аудитoрию, ключeвыe слова, тексты объявлeний, а также дрyгиe вaжныe паpаметры.
    Пoсле проведения aнaлиза мы пpедocтaвим вaм пoдрoбный отчет с pекомендациями по улyчшению эффeктивнocти вaшей рeкламы. Bы узнaeтe, кaкие изменeния можно внeсти, чтoбы привлeчь бoльше потeнциальныx клиентoв и cнизить затpaты нa peкламу.
    Boспользуйтeсь нашeй aкциeй “Бесплaтный анaлиз тeкущей peкламной компании” пpямо сeйчaс и узнайте, кaк пoвыcить эффeктивнoсть cвоeй рекламы в Яндекc Дирeкт!
    Для пoлyчeния бecплaтнoго анaлиза прoстo oтвeтьте нa это пиcьмо или cвяжитеcь c нaми пo указaнным контактным дaнным. Hаша командa c удовoльcтвием пoмoжeт вам yлучшить pезультaты вашей рeклaмы и доcтичь новыx высот в бизнеcе.
    Кoнтакты нaшeгo телегpамм бoтa –
    C yвaжением,
    Кoмандa Яндeкс Директ для предпpинимaтeлeй.

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  54. Anderson Sousa Conceicao better known as Talisca is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a midfielder for the An-Nasr club. A graduate of the youth team from Bahia, where he arrived in 2009 ten years ago.

  55. Yassine Bounou also known as Bono, is a Moroccan footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for the Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal and the Moroccan national team. On November 10, 2022, he was included in the official application of the Moroccan national team to participate in the matches of the 2022 World Cup in Qatar

  56. Harry Edward Kane is an English footballer, forward for the German club Bayern and captain of the England national team. Considered one of the best football players in the world. He is Tottenham Hotspur’s and England’s all-time leading goalscorer, as well as the second most goalscorer in the Premier League. Member of the Order of the British Empire.

  57. Neymar da Silva Santos Junior is a Brazilian footballer who plays as a striker, winger and attacking midfielder for the Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal and the Brazilian national team. Considered one of the best players in the world. The best scorer in the history of the Brazilian national team.

  58. Erling Breut Haaland is a Norwegian footballer who plays as a forward for the English club Manchester City and the Norwegian national team. English Premier League record holder for goals per season.

  59. Ali al-Buleahi Saudi footballer, defender of the club ” Al-Hilal” and the Saudi Arabian national team. On May 15, 2018, Ali al-Buleakhi made his debut for the Saudi Arabian national team in a friendly game against the Greek team, coming on as a substitute midway through the second half.

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  64. Ruben Diogo da Silva Neves is a Portuguese footballer who plays as a midfielder for the Saudi Arabian club Al-Hilal and the Portuguese national team. Currently, Ruben Neves plays for the Al-Hilal club wearing number 8. His contract with the Saudi club is valid until the end of June 2026.

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  70. Luis Fernando Diaz Marulanda Colombian footballer, winger for Liverpool and the Colombian national team . Diaz is a graduate of the Barranquilla club. On April 26, 2016, in a match against Deportivo Pereira, he made his Primera B debut. On January 30, 2022, he signed a contract with the English Liverpool for five years, the transfer amount was 40 million euros.

  71. Kevin De Bruyne Belgian footballer, midfielder of the Manchester club City” and the Belgian national team. A graduate of the football clubs “Ghent” and “Genk”. In 2008 he began his adult career, making his debut with Genk.

  72. Mohammed Khalil Ibrahim Al-Owais is a Saudi professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for the national team Saudi Arabia and Al-Hilal. He is known for his quick reflexes and alertness at the gate.

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  74. Экспертиза ремонта в квартире проводится для оценки качества выполненных работ, соответствия требованиям безопасности и стандартам строительства. Специалисты проверяют используемые материалы, исполнение работ, конструктивные особенности, безопасность, внешний вид и эстетику ремонта. По результатам экспертизы составляется экспертное заключение с оценкой качества и рекомендациями по устранению недостатков.

  75. Larry Joe Bird American basketball player who spent his entire professional career in the NBA ” Boston Celtics.” Olympic champion (1992), champion of the 1977 Universiade, 3-time NBA champion (1981, 1984, 1986), three times recognized as MVP of the season in the NBA (1984, 1985, 1986), 10 times included in the symbolic teams of the season (1980-88 – first team, 1990 – second team).

  76. Roberto Firmino Barbosa de Oliveira Brazilian footballer, attacking midfielder, forward for the Saudi club “Al-Ahli”. Firmino is a graduate of the Brazilian club KRB, from where he moved to Figueirense in 2007. In June 2015 he moved to Liverpool for 41 million euros.

  77. Khvicha Kvaratskhelia Georgian footballer, winger for Napoli and captain of the Georgian national team. A graduate of Dynamo Tbilisi. He made his debut for the adult team on September 29, 2017 in the Georgian championship match against Kolkheti-1913. In total, in the 2017 season he played 4 matches and scored 1 goal in the championship.

  78. Damian Emiliano Martinez Argentine footballer, goalkeeper of the Aston Villa club and national team Argentina. Champion and best goalkeeper of the 2022 World Cup.

  79. Jack Peter Grealish English footballer, midfielder of the Manchester City club and the England national team. A graduate of the English club Aston Villa from Birmingham. In the 2012/13 season he won the NextGen Series international tournament, playing for the Aston Villa under-19 team

  80. Kyle Andrew Walker English footballer, captain of the Manchester City club and the England national team. In the 2013/14 season, he was on loan at the Notts County club, playing in League One (3rd division of England). Played 37 games and scored 5 goals in the championship.

  81. Laure Boulleau French football player, defender. She started playing football in the Riom team, in 2000 she moved to Isere, and in 2002 to Issigneux. All these teams represented the Auvergne region. In 2003, Bullo joined the Clairefontaine academy and played for the academy team for the first time.

  82. Son Heung Min South Korean footballer, striker and captain of the English Premier League club Tottenham Hotspur and the Republic of Korea national team. In 2022 he won the Premier League Golden Boot. Became the first Asian footballer in history to score 100 goals in the Premier League

  83. Antoine Griezmann French footballer, striker and midfielder for Atletico Madrid. Player and vice-captain of the French national team, as part of the national team – world champion 2018. Silver medalist at the 2016 European Championship and 2022 World Championship.

  84. Jude Victor William Bellingham English footballer, midfielder of the Spanish club Real Madrid and the England national team. In April 2024, he won the Breakthrough of the Year award from the Laureus World Sports Awards. He became the first football player to receive it.

  85. In January 2010, Harry Kane received an invitation to the England U-team for the first time 17 for the youth tournament in Portugal. At the same time, the striker, due to severe illness, did not go to the triumphant 2010 European Championship for boys under 17 for the British.

  86. Karim Mostafa Benzema French footballer, striker for the Saudi club Al-Ittihad . He played for the French national team, for which he played 97 matches and scored 37 goals.

  87. Achraf Hakimi Mou Moroccan footballer, defender of the French club Paris Saint-Germain “and the Moroccan national team. He played for Real Madrid, Borussia Dortmund and Inter Milan.

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  89. Philip Walter Foden better known as Phil Foden English footballer, midfielder of the Premier club -League Manchester City and the England national team. On December 19, 2023, he made his debut at the Club World Championship in a match against the Japanese club Urawa Red Diamonds, starting in the starting lineup and being replaced by Julian Alvarez in the 65th minute.

  90. Bernardo Silva Portuguese footballer, midfielder. Born on August 10, 1994 in Lisbon. Silva is considered one of the best attacking midfielders in the world. The football player is famous for his endurance and performance. The athlete’s diminutive size is more than compensated for by his creativity, dexterity and foresight.

  91. Kylian Mbappe Lotten Footballeur francais, attaquant du Paris Saint-Germain et capitaine de l’equipe de France. Le 1er juillet 2024, il deviendra joueur du club espagnol du Real Madrid.

  92. Jogo do Tigre is a simple and fun game that tests your reflexes and coordination. In this game you need to put your finger on the screen, pull out the stick and go through each peg. However, you must ensure that the stick is the right length, neither too long nor too short.

  93. Mohamed Salah Hamed Mehrez Ghali Footballeur egyptien, attaquant du club anglais de Liverpool et l’equipe nationale egyptienne. Considere comme l’un des meilleurs footballeurs du monde

  94. Declan Rice Footballeur anglais, milieu defensif du club d’Arsenal et de l’equipe nationale equipe d’Angleterre. Originaire de Kingston upon Thames, Declan Rice s’est entraine a l’academie de football de Chelsea des l’age de sept ans. En 2014, il devient joueur de l’academie de football de West Ham United.

  95. Declan Rice Footballeur anglais, milieu defensif du club d’Arsenal et de l’equipe nationale equipe d’Angleterre. Originaire de Kingston upon Thames, Declan Rice s’est entraine a l’academie de football de Chelsea des l’age de sept ans. En 2014, il devient joueur de l’academie de football de West Ham United.

  96. Olivier Jonathan Giroud French footballer, striker for Milan and the French national team. Knight of the Legion of Honor. Participant in four European Championships (2012, 2016, 2020 and 2024) and three World Championships (2014, 2018 and 2022).

  97. Thibaut Nicolas Marc Courtois Footballeur belge, gardien de but du club espagnol du Real Madrid . Lors de la saison 2010/11, il a ete reconnu comme le meilleur gardien de la Pro League belge, ainsi que comme joueur de l’annee pour Genk. Triple vainqueur du Trophee Ricardo Zamora

  98. Jamal Musiala footballeur allemand, milieu offensif du club allemand du Bayern et du equipe nationale d’Allemagne. Il a joue pour les equipes anglaises des moins de 15 ans, des moins de 16 ans et des moins de 17 ans. En octobre 2018, il a dispute deux matchs avec l’equipe nationale d’Allemagne U16. En novembre 2020, il a fait ses debuts avec l’equipe d’Angleterre U21.

  99. Ronaldo de Asis Moreira Brazilian footballer, played as an attacking midfielder and striker. World Champion (2002). Winner of the Golden Ball (2005). The best football player in the world according to FIFA in 2004 and 2005.

  100. Xavi or Xavi Quentin Sy Simons Dutch footballer, midfielder of the Paris Saint-Germain club -Germain” and the Dutch national team, playing on loan for the German club RB Leipzig.

  101. Erling Breut Haaland Futebolista noruegues, atacante do clube ingles Manchester City e Selecao da Noruega. Detentor do recorde da Premier League inglesa em gols por temporada.

  102. Carlos Henrique Casimiro Futebolista brasileiro, volante do clube ingles Manchester United e capitao do Selecao Brasileira. Pentacampeao da Liga dos Campeoes da UEFA, campeao mundial e sul-americano pela selecao juvenil brasileira.

  103. Kylian Mbappe Lotten Futebolista frances, atacante do Paris Saint-Germain e capitao da selecao francesa equipe . Em 1? de julho de 2024, ele se tornara jogador do clube espanhol Real Madrid.

  104. Philippe Coutinho Correia Brazilian footballer, midfielder of the English club Aston Villa, playing on loan for the Qatari club Al-Duhail. He is known for his vision, passing, dribbling and long-range ability.

  105. Lionel Messi e um jogador de futebol argentino, atacante e capitao do clube da MLS Inter Miami. , capitao da selecao argentina. Campeao mundial, campeao sul-americano, vencedor da Finalissima, campeao olimpico. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores de futebol de todos os tempos.

  106. Mohamed Salah e um futebolista egipcio que joga como atacante do clube ingles Liverpool e do Selecao egipcia. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores de futebol do mundo. Tricampeao da Chuteira de Ouro da Premier League inglesa: em 2018 (sozinho), 2019 (junto com Sadio Mane e Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang) e 2022 (junto com Son Heung-min).

  107. Karim Mostafa Benzema Futebolista frances, atacante do clube saudita Al-Ittihad . Jogou pela selecao francesa, pela qual disputou 97 partidas e marcou 37 gols.

  108. Kaka Futebolista brasileiro, meio-campista. O apelido “Kaka” e um diminutivo de Ricardo. Formado em Sao Paulo. De 2002 a 2016, integrou a Selecao Brasileira, pela qual disputou 92 partidas e marcou 29 gols. Campeao mundial 2002.

  109. Harry Kane recebeu um convite para a selecao sub-alterna da Inglaterra pela primeira vez tempo 17 para o torneio juvenil em Portugal. Ao mesmo tempo, o atacante, devido a doenca grave, nao compareceu ao triunfante Campeonato Europeu Sub-17 masculino de 2010 pelos britanicos.

  110. Zlatan Ibrahimovic Bosnian pronunciation: ibraxi?mo?it?]; genus. 3 October 1981, Malmo, Sweden) is a Swedish footballer who played as a striker. Former captain of the Swedish national team.

  111. Luis Alberto Suarez Diaz Uruguayan footballer, striker for Inter Miami and Uruguay national team. The best scorer in the history of the Uruguay national team. Considered one of the world’s top strikers of the 2010s

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  113. Thibaut Nicolas Marc Courtois Footballeur belge, gardien de but du club espagnol du Real Madrid . Lors de la saison 2010/11, il a ete reconnu comme le meilleur gardien de la Pro League belge, ainsi que comme joueur de l’annee pour Genk. Triple vainqueur du Trophee Ricardo Zamora

  114. Gareth Frank Bale Jogador de futebol gales que atuou como ala. Ele jogou na selecao galesa. Ele se destacou pela alta velocidade e um golpe bem colocado. Artilheiro (41 gols) e recordista de partidas disputadas (111) na historia da selecao.

  115. Jude Bellingham Futebolista ingles, meio-campista do clube espanhol Real Madrid e do Selecao da Inglaterra. Em abril de 2024, ele ganhou o premio Breakthrough of the Year do Laureus World Sports Awards. Ele se tornou o primeiro jogador de futebol a recebe-lo.

  116. Robert Lewandowski e um futebolista polones, atacante do clube espanhol Barcelona e capitao da selecao polonesa. Considerado um dos melhores atacantes do mundo. Cavaleiro da Cruz do Comandante da Ordem do Renascimento da Polonia.

  117. Kevin De Bruyne Futebolista belga, meio-campista do Manchester club City” e a selecao belga. Formado pelos clubes de futebol “Ghent” e “Genk”. Em 2008 iniciou sua carreira adulta, fazendo sua estreia no Genk.

  118. Antoine Griezmann Futebolista frances, atacante e meio-campista do Atletico de Madrid. Jogador e vice-capitao da selecao francesa, integrante da selecao – campea mundial 2018. Medalhista de prata no Europeu de 2016 e no Mundial de 2022.

  119. Ederson Santana de Moraes Futebolista brasileiro, goleiro do clube Manchester City e da Selecao Brasileira . Participante do Campeonato Mundial 2018. Bicampeao de Portugal pelo Benfica e pentacampeao de Inglaterra pelo Manchester City.

  120. Virgil van Dijk Futebolista holandes, zagueiro central, capitao do clube ingles Liverpool e capitao do a selecao holandesa.

  121. Профессиональные seo услуги для максимизации онлайн-видимости вашего бизнеса. Наши эксперты проведут глубокий анализ сайта, оптимизируют контент и структуру, улучшат технические аспекты и разработают индивидуальные стратегии продвижения.

  122. Victor James Osimhen e um futebolista nigeriano que atua como atacante. O clube italiano Napoli e a selecao nigeriana.

  123. Romelu Menama Lukaku Bolingoli Futebolista belga, atacante do clube ingles Chelsea e da selecao belga . Por emprestimo, ele joga pelo clube italiano Roma.

  124. Roberto Carlos da Silva Rocha Brazilian footballer, left back. He was also capable of playing as both a central defender and a defensive midfielder. World champion 2002, silver medalist at the 1998 World Championships.

  125. Neymar da Silva Santos Junior e um futebolista brasileiro que atua como atacante, ponta e atacante. meio-campista do clube saudita Al-Hilal e da selecao brasileira. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores do mundo. O maior artilheiro da historia da Selecao Brasileira.

  126. Thomas Mueller is a German football player who plays for the German Bayern Munich. Can play in different positions – striker, attacking midfielder. The most titled German footballer in history

  127. Jude Victor William Bellingham anglicky fotbalista, zaloznik spanelskeho klubu Real Madrid a anglicky narodni tym. V dubnu 2024 ziskal cenu za prulom roku z Laureus World Sports Awards. Stal se prvnim fotbalistou, ktery ji obdrzel.

  128. Erling Breut Haaland je norsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocnik za Anglicky klub Manchester City a norska reprezentace. Rekordman anglicke Premier League v poctu golu za sezonu.

  129. Edson Arantes do Nascimento Brazilian footballer, forward (attacking midfielder. Played for Santos clubs) and New York Cosmos. Played 92 matches and scored 77 goals for the Brazilian national team.

  130. Kylian Mbappe Lotten Francouzsky fotbalista, utocnik Paris Saint-Germain a kapitan tymu francouzskeho tymu. 1. cervence 2024 se stane hracem spanelskeho klubu Real Madrid.

  131. Mohamed Salah je egyptsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocnik za anglictinu. klub Liverpool a egyptsky narodni tym. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich fotbalistu na svete.

  132. Kevin De Bruyne Belgicky fotbalista, zaloznik Manchesteru klub City” a belgicky narodni tym. Absolvent fotbalovych klubu „Ghent” a „Genk”. V roce 2008 zahajil svou karieru dospelych, debutoval v Genku.

  133. Lionel Messi je argentinsky fotbalista, utocnik a kapitan klubu MLS Inter Miami. , kapitan argentinske reprezentace. Mistr sveta, vitez Jizni Ameriky, vitez finale, olympijsky vitez. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich fotbalistu vsech dob.

  134. Bernardo Silva Portugalsky fotbalista, zaloznik. Narozen 10. srpna 1994 v Lisabonu. Silva je povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich utocnych zalozniku na svete. Fotbalista je povestny svou vytrvalosti a vykonem.

  135. Antoine Griezmann Francouzsky fotbalista, utocnik a zaloznik za Atletico de Madrid. Hrac a vicekapitan francouzskeho narodniho tymu, clen tymu – mistr sveta 2018 Stribrny medailista z mistrovstvi Evropy 2016 a mistrovstvi sveta 2022.

  136. Robert Lewandowski je polsky fotbalista, utocnik spanelskeho klubu Barcelona a kapitan polskeho narodniho tymu. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich utocniku na svete. Rytir krize velitele polskeho renesancniho radu.

  137. Pablo Martin Paez Gavira Spanelsky fotbalista, zaloznik barcelonskeho klubu a spanelske reprezentace. Povazovan za jednoho z nejtalentovanejsich hracu sve generace. Ucastnik mistrovstvi sveta 2022. Vitez Ligy narodu UEFA 2022/23

  138. Son Heung Min Jihokorejsky fotbalista, utocnik a kapitan anglickeho klubu Premier League Tottenham Hotspur a narodniho tymu Korejske republiky. V roce 2022 vyhral Zlatou kopacku Premier League.

  139. Luka Modric je chorvatsky fotbalista, stredni zaloznik a kapitan spanelskeho tymu. klub Real Madrid, kapitan chorvatskeho narodniho tymu. Uznavan jako jeden z nejlepsich zalozniku nasi doby. Rytir Radu prince Branimira. Rekordman chorvatske reprezentace v poctu odehranych zapasu.

  140. Cristiano Ronaldo je portugalsky fotbalista, utocnik, kapitan Saudske Arabie klubu An-Nasr a portugalskeho narodniho tymu. Mistr Evropy. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich fotbalistu vsech dob. Nejlepsi strelec v historii fotbalu podle IFFIS a ctvrty podle RSSSF

  141. Pedro Gonzalez Lopez lepe znamy jako Pedri, je spanelsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocny zaloznik. za Barcelonu a spanelskou reprezentaci. Bronzovy medailista z mistrovstvi Evropy 2020 a zaroven nejlepsi mlady hrac tohoto turnaje.

  142. Alison Ramses Becker Brazilsky fotbalista nemeckeho puvodu, brankar klubu Liverpool a brazilsky narodni tym. Je povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich brankaru sve generace a je znamy svymi vynikajicimi zakroky, presnosti prihravek a schopnosti jeden na jednoho.

  143. Rodrigo Silva de Goiz Brazilsky fotbalista, utocnik Realu Madrid a brazilskeho narodniho tymu. V breznu 2017 byl Rodrigo povolan do narodniho tymu Brazilie U17 na zapasy Montague Tournament.

  144. Karim Benzema je francouzsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocnik za Saudskou Arabii. Arabsky klub Al-Ittihad. Hral za francouzsky narodni tym, za ktery odehral 97 zapasu a vstrelil 37 branek. V 17 letech se stal jednim z nejlepsich hracu rezervy, nastrilel tri desitky golu za sezonu.

  145. Thibaut Nicolas Marc Courtois Belgicky fotbalista, brankar spanelskeho klubu Real Madrid . V sezone 2010/11 byl uznan jako nejlepsi brankar v belgicke Pro League a take hrac roku pro Genk. Trojnasobny vitez Ricardo Zamora Trophy

  146. Bruno Guimaraes Rodriguez Moura Brazilsky fotbalista, defenzivni zaloznik Newcastlu United a Brazilsky narodni tym. Vitez olympijskych her 2020 v Tokiu.

  147. Virgil van Dijk Nizozemsky fotbalista, stredni obrance, kapitan anglickeho klubu Liverpool a kapitan nizozemskeho narodniho tymu.

  148. Toni Kroos je nemecky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako stredni zaloznik za Real Madrid a nemecky narodni tym. Mistr sveta 2014. Prvni nemecky hrac v historii, ktery sestkrat vyhral Ligu mistru UEFA.

  149. Toni Kroos je nemecky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako stredni zaloznik za Real Madrid a nemecky narodni tym. Mistr sveta 2014. Prvni nemecky hrac v historii, ktery sestkrat vyhral Ligu mistru UEFA.

  150. Darwin Gabriel Nunez Ribeiro Uruguaysky fotbalista, utocnik anglickeho klubu Liverpool a Uruguaysky narodni tym. Bronzovy medailista mistrovstvi Jizni Ameriky mezi mladeznickymi tymy.

  151. Romelu Menama Lukaku Bolingoli Belgicky fotbalista, utocnik anglickeho klubu Chelsea a Belgican vyber. Na hostovani hraje za italsky klub Roma.

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